Britten and Brulightly by Hannah Berry

Bri0805089276.01._SX140_SY225_SCLZZZZZZZ_ Britten and Brulightly by Hannah Berry

Metropolitan Books, New York, 2008

A graphic novel that is rich and dark like the finest chocolate.

A  story starring the sad-faced detective Fernandez  Britten as the “The Heartbreaker”, a dectective famed for finding out what you didn’t really want to know about those you love.  Britten and his diminutive partner, Brulightly, take on the mysterious death of  Bernie Kudos.britten and brulightly 002

Is his death a suicide or a murder?  The lovely Charlotte Maughton wants to find out the truth.  As Britten digs deeper he uncovers blackmail and revenge and the startling possibility that to do the right thing one may need to be remain silent.

Beautifully drawn, with subtle washes of color, this book is a stunning first effort.  I want to see more from Hannah Berry.

If you have reviewed this graphic novel please leave a comment so I can link to your review.large_brit1


Filed under Challenges, Graphic Novel Challenge, Graphic Novels, Review

7 responses to “Britten and Brulightly by Hannah Berry

  1. Gorgeous art. This sounds wonderful. I’m adding it to the list!

    • Amanda – The art in Britten and Brulightly is beautiful. I’m developing a love for graphic novels done with water color washes.

  2. You read the best graphic novels! I’m adding it to my list too.

  3. Thanks Ana! You read some mighty fine graphic novels yourself. I just finished Bayou and loved it. I think Jeremy Love has created a classic on par with Maus and Persepolis, but maybe I’m overreacting.

  4. I love the art! This sounds wonderful – thanks for the review.

  5. Pingback: 4 Graphic Novel Reviews « The Zen Leaf

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