Sunday Salon – With Sun!

Good Sunday to you!  Our weather is finally reflecting the fact that it is spring in the PNW.  Sun, warmth and blue skies.  I couldn’t ask for more.   Last night Mr G and I went to a concert featuring one of my favorite musicians.  The venue was a bit shabby but the music was amazing.  In concert Bruce has a way of making songs that are familiar brand new, adding different instruments and layers of sound.  He has been introducing westerners to world music for years.  I loved it.

The past few weeks have been crazy at school and we have two more weeks ’til we are finished.  It is a time for excitement and reflection and a bit of sadness.  There are students moving on who I will miss.

As for my reading, it has been chaotic but filled with wonder.  I cannot recommend Among Others and Kamchatka highly enough and I just finished another great book.  I hope to have a review up by mid-week.  I am planning on jumping into the Gormenghast Read-Along over at Farm Lane Books and I’ve also decided to join the latest  The Japanese Literature Challenge organized by Dolce Bellezza.  Last year this challenge opened up an exciting new world for me and I’m thrilled to be part of it again.

I am off to the beach for another low-tide Sunday, the weather is supposed to be beautiful and I should see lots of slimy creatures and Great Blue Herons.  Have a wonderful day and a wonderful week.


Filed under Sunday Salon

6 responses to “Sunday Salon – With Sun!

  1. Sounds like you have a gorgeous day in front of you! And hang on through the end of this school year. We are almost there. There is always something a little sad about the end of the year – the kids moving on, the things we wanted to accomplish but did not quite get through. But all we will be happy again when they come back in just a few short months. :) Happy reading!

  2. A beach day sounds wonderful! Enjoy!! I need to plan something like that….we’re two hours from the beach here.

    My grandkids have been clamoring for a beach trip, so soon.

    Meanwhile, here’s what I’ve been up to on MY SUNDAY SALON POST

  3. Trade you some rain for some sun? We haven’t had rain in two months. Definitely not normal around here.

    At the bidding of my younger son, I attempted this week to write about something other than books on my Sunday Salon. Here’s my post. I hope you will stop by and remind my son (politely, of course) that Sunday Salon is all about books.

  4. Ti

    I don’t know how teachers send their students on each year. I’d grow way too attached!

    I’m glad you had sun today. We had some, then the dark clouds moved in. Very strange cloud formations and sort of cold.

  5. I’ve been thinking about the Japanese Literature challenge, but I’m not sure. I have a problem with signing up for challenges and not completing them, but I’m okay with it. They give me some focus at least.

    Here is my Sunday Salon

  6. Sounds busy but great over there. Good luck with the challenge and read-along, and I hope you had a great weekend in the sun.

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