The Shining Girls by Lauren Beukes

0316216852.01._SX140_SY224_SCLZZZZZZZ_The Shining Girls by Lauren Beukes

Mulholland Books, New York 2013

Borrowed from my library.

First I read Zoo City.  Then I read Moxyland.  I have been waiting for this one to come out since I first heard Lauren Beukes had another novel being published in the US.  Boy, was it ever worth the wait.  This is a thriller, a murder mystery.  Very enthralling and very creepy.

A killer find a key.  The key opens the door to a house.  The house opens the door to time.  The girls shine.

A young girl meets a stranger.  Years later, she is attacked and almost killed.  When she recovers she is obsessed with finding her attacker.

The Shining Girls grabbed me and wouldn’t let go.  It’s a time travel story unlike any I have read, with a structure like a house of mirrors, dark, frightening and constantly driving towards a resolution.  I loved it.  I think it could be this year’s Gone Girl.


Filed under Books, Mystery, SciFi, Thoughts, Thriller

6 responses to “The Shining Girls by Lauren Beukes

  1. I really enjoyed this. A great combination of creepiness and fascination that made it almost impossible to tear my eyes away.
    Lynn :D

  2. Ok, that’s me in! I have to read this one! What a lovely review, and very intriguing. Will hope that I can get this from the library :-) thanks, Gavin.

  3. # 80 in line at the library. Better than Introvert, which I have been waiting for almost 2 years now!

  4. Introvert by Susan Cain – I’ve been waiting ages and ages for it, and it finally came in! lol I should have been more explicit in my comment, sorry!

  5. I bought this a while back, but have been ‘saving’ it for my holidays next week! Looking forward to it.

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