
Iain M. Banks 2/16/1954 - 6/9/2013

Iain M. Banks 2/16/1954 – 6/9/2013


According to a post at the Daily Minor Planet website Iain Banks now has an asteroid named after him.  I’m sure he would be very pleased.

The official citation for the asteroid reads:

Iain M. Banks (1954-2013) was a Scottish writer best known for the Culture series of science fiction novels; he also wrote fiction as Iain Banks. An evangelical atheist and lover of whisky, he scorned social media and enjoyed writing music. He was an extra in Monty Python & The Holy Grail.


Filed under Authors, Iain M. Banks, RandomPost

4 responses to “Iainbanks

  1. Now I’m going to have to watch The Holy Grail to see if I can spot him. It’s a dirty job….but I’m prepared to undertake it!
    Lynn :D

  2. He would be. And a little ironic about it too. I haven’t read him, and I miss him!

  3. Gavin! I just thought about you! How are you? How’s everything going? I hope all is well. Happy Holidays.

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