Dewey’s 24 Read-a-thon Update #1


Here is my first update!  Woke up at sixish and read for an hour and a half  then got ready for my workshop. Out of the house at 9, walked to the workshop and spent 3 hours doing my favorite movement practice.  Stopped at the market for some Izzy grapefruit soda on the way home, had a yummy sandwich and fruit for lunch and then back to the couch for more reading!

Time spent reading: about 6 hours.

Books read:

Sometimes we’re always real same-same by Mattox Roesch.  Loved it, will review later this week.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button: A Graphic Novel adapted from an F. Scott Fitzgerald story by Nunzio DeFilippis and Christina Weir.

I have just started The Bride’s Farewell by Meg Rosoff.

Pages read: 436

How I’m feeling:  Great!  I’m afraid I may have to take a nap if I’m going to try and stay upreal late:)


Filed under Dewey's 24 Hour Read-a-thon, Events

11 responses to “Dewey’s 24 Read-a-thon Update #1

  1. I see a few other bloggers are also reading The Bride’s Farewell. Happy reading!

  2. Jen

    Hope you’re having fun reading. Good luck with the rest of the read-a-thon!

  3. Excellent progress, Keep up the great work!

  4. Keep it up! You’re doing great!!

  5. How was “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button”? I love Fitzgerald but I haven’t read that one.

  6. Great going on the reading! Good luck for the second half!

  7. Hope you are still enjoying all your books!

  8. You are making good progress! Enjoy the rest of the readathon!

  9. It’s almost lunch here in the Philippines so uh, happy almost-lunch from the Philippines :)

    Looking forward to reading that illustrated Benjamin Button story sometime soon. But for now, happy reading and enjoy the rest of the Read-a-Thon!

  10. For me its my eyes that hurt, so a nap always helps!

  11. Sometimes We’re Always Same-Same in on my tbr pile! I’m thrilled to read you enjoyed it. Your doing great, hope you also enjoy The Bride’s Farewell . :D

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