Tag Archives: Challenges2010

RIP V Challenge – 9/1/2010 to 10/31/2010

Yeah!  One of my favorite challenges it back.  I remember reading ghost stories as a kid and loving that shivery, scary feeling.    Carl V. at Stainless Steel Droppings is organizing the R.eaders I.mbibing P.eril Challenge for the fifth year.  As Carl says:

It is time to celebrate things that go bump in the night; that favorite detective that always gets his man, or woman, in the end; that delicious chill of a creak on the stairs, of the rogue waiting in the dark, of the full moon and the flit of bats wings.

I am signing up for Peril the Second.  My challenge is to read two books from the following catagories: Mystery, Suspense,Thriller, Dark Fantasy, Gothic, Horror, or the Supernatural.  I plan on reading Dracula and Something Wicked This Way Comes and, who knows, maybe something else.

To find out more about this challenge visit the sign-up post.


Filed under Challenges2010, RIP V Challenge

Graphic Novel Challenge 2010

I am so excited!  Two of my favorite bloggers, Chris and Nymeth,  have stepped up to continue one of my favorite challenges from 2009.   One of the reasons I love this form is that it combines art and storytelling.  What could be better?

I’ve been reading graphic novels for years, ever since a friend introduced me to Sandman by Neil Gaiman.   In fact, somewhere packed away, I have the original Sandman, volumes 1 through 30, as well as several other very special graphic novels.  I will have to find them, bring them out into the air, re-read them and review them for this challenge.


Filed under Challenges2010, Graphic Novels