Category Archives: RandomPost


Iain M. Banks 2/16/1954 - 6/9/2013

Iain M. Banks 2/16/1954 – 6/9/2013


According to a post at the Daily Minor Planet website Iain Banks now has an asteroid named after him.  I’m sure he would be very pleased.

The official citation for the asteroid reads:

Iain M. Banks (1954-2013) was a Scottish writer best known for the Culture series of science fiction novels; he also wrote fiction as Iain Banks. An evangelical atheist and lover of whisky, he scorned social media and enjoyed writing music. He was an extra in Monty Python & The Holy Grail.


Filed under Authors, Iain M. Banks, RandomPost

Reading and Blogging

kids-readingI’ve found myself far from the computer lately, having to reevaluate my reading and my blogging.

I’ve been reading, mostly non-fiction, some science fiction for a couple of challenges, and some older titles off my TBR stacks.  What I’m finding is I don’t seem to have a lot to say about these books right now.  Maybe my brain is tired, stress at work, stress in life, who knows?

What I’ve decided is that I will not worry about writing reviews of books for a while.  If I am inspired by something then I will certainly voice that here and I hope you will continue to stop by and leave comments if you feel like it.  And I will continue to visit your lovely blogs whenever I can.


Filed under Books, RandomPost, Thoughts

Summer Solstice 2012

It is the longest day in the northern hemisphere.  The last three months have gone by in a blur and I haven’t spent much time reading and leaving comments on my favorite blogs or writing reviews.  Mr G and I are heading for the coast and plan on spending a week walking the beach, reading and relaxing.  Maybe that will get my head back to a place where I can spend a bit more time on-line.

As for my reading, for the last month I have been focusing on mysteries and science fiction, as well as books for the Once Upon A Time VI challenge.  I did manage to complete most of Quest the Third, with the exception of reading or watching A Midsummer Night’s Dream and I hope to take that with me to the beach.  I have also been part of the wonderful Midnight’s Children read-along which finishes up at the end of this month.

I was going to make myself a summer reading plan but have decided to leave my reading open to whim and whatever shows up at the library.  Please forgive my lack of commenting but know I am trying to catch up on reading your blogs.

Happy Solstice!!


Filed under Posts, RandomPost, Solstice

Computer Update

A quick post from Mr G’s computer.  My laptop is still in the shop so I am seriously behind in my comments and reviews.  I am starting to write things out in longhand, something I used to love doing.  Maybe I’ll actually start writing more.  I have been spending time in the garden and have greens, herbs and lots of squash coming up.  I fear for the tomatoes.  It just hasn’t been hot enough for them.

I feel lucky.  Even though we’ve had many days with clouds and grey skies our temperatures have remained mild compared to many other parts of the US.  If you are living “under the dome” I hope you and your loved ones are okay and are managing to stay cool.  While I have computer access I’m going to check in on some of my favorite blogs and try to leave quick comments.  If I miss you know you are on my mind!


Filed under RandomPost

Off to the coast…

Mr G had a surprise for me a couple of days ago.  We are spending some time on the Washington coast!  I need this break as I haven’t really been out-of-town for a couple of years.  No TV, no internet, no computers! It doesn’t even matter if   the sun comes out.  I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and I will be back at the end of next week!


Filed under RandomPost, Travel